Hamilton Sokoni: Pop-Up Market

​Hamilton Farmer’s Market | 35 York Blvd, Hamilton ON

Network & shop local and Black-owned at the Hamilton Sokoni Pop-Up Market! See you there! 😊 Vendors click the link to register: www.bit.ly/mayhamiltonsokoni For more information about Hamilton Sokoni, email hamiltonsokoni@ncceep.com. --- Enroll in Sokoni BEP : www.bit.ly/sokonibepregistration Visit sokoni-bep.com for more information about the Sokoni Black Entrepreneurship Program.

London Sokoni: Spring Pop-Up Market

Covent Garden Market | 130 King Street, London

The London Sokoni Spring Pop-Up Markets are happening soon! Eat! Dance! Mingle! Shop local and Black-owned! Dates: April 29th & May 20th Vendors click the link below to register: www.bit.ly/londonsokonispring --- For further questions about London Sokoni contact londonsokoni@ncceep.com

Kitchener-Waterloo Sokoni: Pop-Up Market

Kitchener Farmers’ Market | 300 King St. East, Kitchener

Kitchener Waterloo Sokoni Pop-Up Market is running twice in June at the Kitchener Farmers’ Market. The market is open 7 AM – 2 PM June 10 Vendor Registration : https://bit.ly/june10kwsokoni For more information, email kwsokoni@ncceep.com. --- Enroll in Sokoni BEP : www.bit.ly/sokonibepregistration Visit sokoni-bep.com for more information about the Sokoni Black Entrepreneurship Program.