Visite à pied du corridor de la rue McDougall

Parc Alton Parker | 450, rue Brodhead

Ne manquez pas cette occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire des Noirs de la ville. Le déjeuner sera servi à 12h30 après la visite. Cliquez ici pour confirmer votre présence

Visite de l'hôtel de ville de Tecumseh

Hôtel de ville de Tecumseh 917 Lesperance Road, Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada

Join us on Friday, August 11th at 10:30 am for a captivating trip to Tecumseh Townhall! Meet Mayor Gary McNamara and dive into the town's heritage. Don't miss this incredible opportunity, reserve your spot now! Click here to RSVP!

Voyage de fin d'été à Colasanti

Summer is slipping away, but there's still time to make it unforgettable! Gather your friends and family and embark on an adventure to Colasanti's Tropical Gardens – the perfect destination to cap off your summer in style. Bus pick-up time is 10am at 3170 Walker Road, Windsor, and the bus leaves at 10:30 am. Children […]
